Hey, hotties! It's midnight. Don't procrastinate like me, and wait until the day before your blog post is due to finish your book and write your post. Oh, what's that? You never procrastinate? Liar. Anyway, at least you know the book is fresh in my mind as I'm writing this! However, that does not mean it will be well-written because, as previously stated, it is midnight currently. Specifically, it is 11:58 p.m., and this post is due in two minutes. OKAY SO GET TO THE BOOK STUFF!! Omg ok, don't yell at me.
Alright, so as you may know, if you are even a casual lurker of the blog, I love me some D&D and especially some Critical Role. I have read two other books from them for the blog before as well: Kith and Kin and (here, I was going to put the link to The Nine Eyes of Lucien but, apparently, that was never one of my quick reads. I did read it and it was amazing. Let me know if yall want a blog post for it). Anyway, I was so excited that Laudna was getting a book that I wanted to do it for the blog, and it's just in time for, or rather at the tail end of spooky szn!
So, going into it, I was really curious how this one would hold up for audiences who have never heard of Critical Role. I think it's important that when creating adaptations and spin-offs, you remain aware that while you may be reaching a wider audience, you also need to appeal to that new audience, or it may not be well-received. This book doesn't have that problem I think. Of course, some elements and easter eggs will go over some people's heads, but I don't think it will detract from the story in any way. It is also good to be aware that the core audience will already know the story, so you have to keep it interesting for them, too, which Cassandra Khaw did a phenomenal job with.
This leads me to my next point (transitions getting marginally better); I loved that I was surprised. As a Critter, I know all about Laudna's early history. So, the beginning of the story was very familiar while still having a lot more details, which I was appreciative of because it adds a bit more nuance and depth to the character (and, tbh, makes her character analysis super easy). But I realize there is a 30-year gap between that origin story and when we meet her in campaign three. This tells of some defining moments in that time but it turns out they all have a running theme of fear and abandonment and loneliness. It's super sad.
Idk what else to put now. Should I do a quick summary? Ok.
Okay, so basically, there's a girl named Matilda who was essentially collateral damage during Vox Machina's beef with the Briarwoods (so hot but so bad). I won't spoil that for the uninitiated. Fast-forward some years. Her name is now Laudna, and she lives in the woods. She has a voice in her head. I will not elaborate, as that will ruin things. So she goes to a town and makes friends with a very tough child named Bella. Chaos ensues. She leaves after a while. Walks in the desert for ten years (?!) and then meets a cutie with purple hair. Some things about that meet-cute are foreshadowing, but I am a generous goddess and will just go ahead and tell you it is safe to ship them and get that Imodna tattoo.
I apologize, but that was probably the worst synopsis in history, and I will not be editing it. I wanted to avoid spoilers, so I was intentionally vague. If you're a Critter, you will only know the first couple of chapters, and the rest will be a brand new story for you, I promise.
-Stay fun-scary Ponyboy,
Ceraya 👻
Hi, I'm back. After making the Instagram post for this, I realized that there are some political undertones here that should be discussed. In that post, I added these two quotes: "For many, a woman is either a maiden or a monster, something to control or destroy." and "People fear powerful women. Better to be feared, though, than to be rendered a womb or a beast of burden."
Today is November 7, 2024 and the President Elect is former president Donald Trump. This man and his party have a great many beliefs and values and views that they would like to impress upon the world. The one I'd like to speak on today is their view on women. I'm a woman. My best friend and your co-captain, Brieanna, is a woman. Specifically, we are Childless Cat (and dog) Ladies. We are worried for our safety. Sure, we are worried all the time about being raped and abused, but now we are worried about not being able to get the care we need if that happens. We are scared for the women in that position currently and for whom this is not a hypothetical situation.
We know men don't really care about our bodies. That has never been what this is about. It is about control. "...something to control or destroy." Laudna responded to this by saying how she used to ask her teachers "too many" questions. She told them things were unfair and that there must be something they could do to make the world just. They told her she was wrong and that "there was nothing to do but grieve" which is a terrible notion for a young woman to grow up with.
The exemplar was welcomed by the town. She was helpful and dutiful, pious and pure. Laudna was helpful, too, in her own way. But she looked different. Acted differently. She was feared. "Better to be feared, though, than to be rendered a womb or a beast of burden like that one. Sure, they love her now, but they only love her because she is of service. It'll stop if she ever gives up on fixing their homes." They love the exemplar until they can't control her. And they could never control Laudna.
They can never control us. So they will try to destroy us. For them "a woman is either a maiden or a monster, something to control or destroy." If they are trying to destroy us, we might as well become monsters. Become insufferable. Make them uncomfortable. After all, "well-behaved women seldom make history."
We will survive this winter and revive in spring. We will not break. We will bloom.
"Now is not a time to throw up our hands. Now is a time to roll up our sleeves."
-Vice President Kamala Harris